Books by Jeffrey
If you have enjoyed this blog, you might also enjoy my books. (Links open a new tab on the Creative Jeffrey web site).
Insane Journey
A science fiction - humour novel
The insane journey is a twisted tale about mentally unbalanced men, clever women, a talking penguin and a couple of aliens all participating in a deadly chase across a desolate, wind-swept Europa that exists in a tomorrow slightly to the left of yours and mine.
The Insane Journey blends science fiction, magical realism and humour to create an unforgettable tale that will make you laugh and think simultaneously.
Anticonventional Thinking
The Creative Alternative to Brainstorming
My new book on anticonventional thinking is out on 15 January!
Way of the Innovation Master
Learn everything you need to know to set up an innovation process in your company!
If you have been put in charge of innovation in your organisation; if you are considering rolling out a structured innovation programme in your company; if you need to improve your innovation process; then this book is for you!
Read more or order your copy...
The Adventures of Felicity Holmes
What if Sherlock Holmes had been a woman? Find out in the Adventures of Felicity Holmes. Read more...
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